Monday 27 January 2014

What we have been upto...

Since we filmed at DCAS we have been editing the music video and working on the website task.
We have now finished editing all the performance shots and now need to film and edit the other shots.

This week/next week (depending on the weather) we are going to be filming the rest of the shots, which are going to be filmed outside in a park/grass area. Also this week we are going to start working on the CD digipack.

Monday 20 January 2014

Band Logo

Above is the band logo we have created, which will be featured on the website and the digipack.
We wanted the logo to be simple and bold, like that of an Indie band. We struggled with deciding on the layout we wanted and also the font/font colour, as we didn't want it to look similar to The Kooks official logo. In the end we decided on a black & white colour scheme as we thought it would look the most effective, as any bright colours could of made the logo look more Pop than Indie. We chose thin writing so that the logo is easily readable, and we chose to put the writing within a circle so that it looks like a proper logo.

Below is the real band The Kooks logo -

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Filming Pictures

The 'band' performing

Molly filming

The band again
 Yesterday we filmed the performance shots for the music video at DCAS. Filming went well, however we were originally going to be using 2 school cameras for filming the shots and Molly's camera for the pictures for the ancillary products. However, there was an issue with one of the school cameras so we had to film using 1 school camera and Molly's camera.

Today we are going to be uploading the clips to a computer and starting to look at them/edit.

Monday 6 January 2014

Filming tomorrow

Tomorrow we are filming at DCAS at 4pm. While there we are going to be shooting the performance shots of the music video.

Checklist of what equipment we need -

2 video cameras (to film)
2 tripods
Molly's camera & tripod (to take pictures for ancillary tasks)
2 sets of lyrics
Shot list