Tuesday 4 February 2014

Audience Research

My group decided to conduct some audience research so that we could get some useful feedback on our video so far and our website.

We asked five 16-18 years old from our sixth form to watch a rough cut of our music video, and to look at the website. We got them to write down their feedback/comments and this is what they said...

Music video feedback:

Good things about it
  • The band looked like a real band, and it looked like the main singer was actually singing/performing
  • The humour was a good element in the video, made it enjoyable to watch
  • Looks well put together
  • There is a good range of shots which makes it not boring to watch
  • Need a better quality song - we have already planned to do this when we have finished editing
  • Possibly speed up the beginning of the video as it drags a little bit/is jumpy
  • Could edit the video more e.g. - some shots in black and white etc

Website feedback:

Good things about it
  •  Links well with the video
  • Good amount of information on it and it's relevant e.g. - link to Leeds festival website
  • Looks like a real band page with twitter/facebook links etc
  • Embed the finished music video link onto the website - have already planned to do this when we have finished editing the video
  • Could be a clearer relationship between the website photos and the music video (the colour and tone of the photos/video)
  • The band logo could be better
We are taking all this feedback on board and we are going to make appropriate changes/modifications in order for our work to be better!

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