Friday, 28 February 2014

CD digipack

Below is the CD digipack for the music video we have created.

****** Printscreens taken in publisher, that is why there is boxes around the text and logos etc..

                       Back                                                                                Front


We wanted there to be a link between the CD and the website, so we have used similar colours; this means that a person/fan would distinguish a link between the 2 things e.g. - if a fan had previously seen the website and then saw the CD cover in a shop they would instantly recognise the 'theme and would know that the CD is a product of The Kooks.

The digipack uses a picture of the female in the music video on the front cover, this means that if a fan had watched the video they would make a connection between the music video and CD cover.
We have changed the saturation of the front cover picture to make it look more vintage, which fits in with the Indie genre.
The back of the digipack is simple as we didn't want to make it look crowded. It features a barcode, QR code, Spotify logo and the record label logo for The Kooks - these are all typical features of a CD cover.
The inside of the CD contains a short 'thank-you' message from the band to the fans, and also an additional QR code for fans to download an exclusive track - linking to McQuail's theory 'Uses and Gratifications' this would make the fan feel a sense of belonging to a small community of fans who have purchased the hard copy single.

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