Friday 7 February 2014

Ancillary products

For the ancillary products we decided to create 2 different websites and 2 different CD digipacks as we found that within our group there was a difference in opinion about how the ancillary products should look e.g. -colour scheme and layout.
Therefore we decided to create 2 different websites and 2 different digipacks, and from this we are each going to choose which ancillary products we want to be marked.

Website 1

Digipack 1

Website 2

Digipack 2
                   back cover                                                                       front cover

insert pages 1 and 2

insert pages 3 and 4

After looking at both in detail I have decided to use website 2 and digipack 2. I have chosen to use the second set as I personally think that they fit the Indie Pop genre better than the black and white ancillary products because of the research I have done. The second website and digipack also contain other working pages (Gigs page and Photo page etc)

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