Monday 14 October 2013

Genre conventions of an Indie music video

Aftr watching many Indie music videos I have created a list of genre conventions that most Indie videos use/follow...
  • Dim low lit locations
  • Locations with a mysterious feel to them
  • Performance scenes
  • Narrative
  • Low colour saturation - this gives the video it's 'vintage' feel
  • Emphasis on the band/artists Indie style - skinny jeans, baggy tee, messy hair
  • Certain behaviour such as smoking, drinking alcohol and sex
  • Not too serious, often scenes with the band/artist acting silly, eg - comical dancing

Here are some examples of Indie music videos that use these conventions..

  • Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? - Arctic Monkeys
    This music video features dark settings.

    Someday - The Strokes
    This music video contains particular behaviour eg - smoking and drinking.

    Changing of the Seasons - Two Door Cinema Club
    This video is both performance and narrative. It is also all in Black and White which makes the music video seem older than it actually is.

    Carried Away - Passion Pit
    This music video is purely narrative. There is emphasis on the style of the actors in the video, eg - man has messy hair and wears old suits.

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