Wednesday 30 October 2013

Research into single covers

All genre single covers

These are some single covers for various artists from different genres.
All of them but the 'Two Door Cinema Club' cover features a picture of the artist. This links to Richard Dyer's "Star Theory" as the focus of the album cover is on the artist themselves, so it is promoting the stars identity as well as the song.
The 'Two Door Cinema Club' single cover is a picture of a fortune teller ball/crystal ball. The song is titled 'Next Year', so the picture links to the song title as the ball is predicting the future. Two Door Cinema Club are an Indie band and generally single covers for Indie bands do not feature a picture of the artist, so this single cover is expected.

Indie single covers
Picture of a desertic road. In the pavement the word "Stop" is painted in capital white letters. Above it, Oasis's stylised logo and "Stop Crying Your Heart Out", written in lowercase white letters and without spaces, appear.

All of these single covers have features in common...

  • None of them contain a picture of the artist. 
  • Feature mostly dull colours such as blue, grey, black - therefore they don't really stand out.
  • Most of them feature either an abstract picture or a picture that looks old/has a vintage feel to it.
Indie singles typically have a different vibe to them in comparison to other genres of music, they look cool and random. When my group are creating the digipack for our music video we will take these features into consideration.

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