Monday 21 October 2013

Analysis of single cover for 'She Moves In Her Own Way'

This is the official single cover for the song that my group are using.

The picture is in black and white which gives the cover a vintage feel and suggests that the song is going to be of an Indie genre.

The actual picture suggests that the song is going to involve a girl as the man in the picture is holding a flower towards the camera, presumably what he is going to give to the woman.
 Indie single covers tend to have an abstract image on or a quirky image of a person - this single cover conforms to this convention of the Indie genre.

The blue font for 'She Moves In Her Own Way' stands out, however it doesn't take any attention away from the picture.

In my opinion I don't think the single cover as a whole stands out, if I was in a shop I don't think I'd notice it because of the black and white colours. I think this was done on purpose though because the song is by an Indie band so they wouldn't of wanted to have a mainstream single cover that is loud and stands out.

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