Monday 14 October 2013

Survey results

After receiving back all of the surveys we analysed the data and found that.....

The majority of the surveys were completed by 17 year olds(16 out of 19) - 10 male and 9 female.

We found that all females that completed the survey listen to Indie music. However, not all males do (2 don't listen to it at all).

When asked how long have they have been listening to Indie music for, it was found that the majority of respondents (male and female) have been listening to it for 2-4 years (9 respondents).

When asked if they watch music videos often 6 males and 6 females answered 'Yes', and the other respondents answered 'No'. This finding surprised me as I personally thought that more people would frequently watch music videos.

Our results show that females believe that music videos have a significant importance in adding to the meaning of a song - 8 out of 9 females circled the number 3 or higher in regards to how important the respondent felt they were, 1 being not very important and 5 being extremely important.
The results show that males do not find music videos to be as important as females do - This was something that I expected to see in the results.

An interesting finding was that when asked 'Do music videos influence your opinion on a song?' the male and female answers were very contrasting. All males responded with either 'Sometimes' (3 respondents) or 'Rarely' (7 respondents), whereas the majority of the females answered 'Sometimes' (6 respondents) and the others answering with 'Always' (2 respondents) or 'Rarely' (1 respondent). This result shows that music videos influence females opinions on a song more than they influence males opinions. This finding is useful because our groups music video is going to be targeted at males and females, so because we are targeting females we need to make sure that the video is targeted at them in the right way.

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