Tuesday 5 November 2013

CD singles

Today I am researching CD singles to look at the sort of information they contain on the front, back and inside.


The front of CD covers always contain 1) The artists name 2) The song title, they also usually have a 'Indie' looking picture. The font for the band/artists name is always the same font on every product/cd of theirs as it is a brand name. Whereas the song title font changes on each cover for each song.

Examples of Indie Pop covers -


The back of a CD typically features
  • A barcode, as the product is for sale
  • The artists record label logo - this promotes the label
  • The name of the song (sometimes the song length is stated)
  • Sometimes additional information about who has produced and recorded the song etc.
Examples -


The inside of a CD single can very hugely from containing - song lyrics, thank-you messages to the fans etc, song credits, collage of pictures of the artist, additional details about the artist, links to the artist e.g. - the artists twitter/facebook page/website address.

Examples -

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