Friday 15 November 2013

Research into magazine adverts

Here are some magazine adverts for various singles and albums...

This is an advert for Kings Of Leon who are an alternative rock band. The picture is a mix of the 4 band members and a picture of a bird. The picture is interesting to look at as it's slightly strange, which is quite typical of a band that isn't a Pop genre. The font stands out as it is in capital letters, as does the 'Released September 22, 2008'. It is important that this stands out as the main purpose of the advert is to promote when the single/album is released.

This magazine advert uses a photo of the artist Ellie Goulding, by using a picture of the artist it is promoting her as well as the actual album. The advert uses a gold colour theme which relates to the album title 'Lights'. This advert is different to the previous one as it doesn't state when the album is released, however the album might of already been released when this advert was published.

This is a magazine advert for the rock band The Verve. The picture is nice to look at as it looks very professional. It doesn't contain a picture of the band at all which suggests that the band want to sell their music without promoting their image as such. The advert states all the essential things for a magazine advert eg - when it is released, the single name, and artist name.

The Killers are a rock band; this magazine advert is similar to the one above it as it does not use a picture of the artist. This is typical of an advert that is not for a Pop artist. This advert doesn't contain much writing, however it's effective as it is straight to the point and could be quickly read by someone. The font stands out and is easy to read.

This advert is for the artist Jessie J's album. She is a Pop artist so for this reason a photo of her is used on the advert, this is because her record label are trying to promote her and her image. When glancing at this advert the first thing I notice is the picture, this has been done on purpose so that people see this advert in a magazine and immediately know which artist it is for before even reading the information.

After completing this research I have concluded that when my group create the magazine advert for 'She moves in her own way' we should either use a simple photograph of the band, or a photo to do with the song but isn't of the band. We will also make sure that the font stands out, is clear, and is also easy to read. The advert should also contain things such as the record labels logo, website address, and possibly a rating.

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